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May Curiosities

By Adela Pirillo


Just like that, the semester is over, finally. Congratulations on getting through it. I have had a blast being The Plant’s Curiosities editor this year. I’ll leave you with a few intentions to set yourself for these next few months. I hope you enjoy your summer!

If you were born May 20th, happy happy happy birthday! Also, if you were born November 19th, happy happy happy half birthday!

Aries (mar. 20-apr.18) : Be willing to receive, Aries Remember to surround yourself with people that support you. Start the season off fresh!

Taurus (apr.19-may 20) : New opportunities are coming this summer. Learn to welcome them with excitement.

Gemini (may 21-june 20) : You’re getting closer and closer to the light at the end of the tunnel. This summer is going to be a good one. Keep going!

Cancer (june 21-july 22) : Follow your intuition this summer, Cancers. Remember not to let what everyone else has to say bother you.

Leo (july 23-aug. 22) : This summer is all about prioritizing yourself, Leos. It is time to start setting, working, and achieving your goals. If anyone can do it, it's you.

Virgo (aug. 23-sept. 22) : You and your emotions are valid! Use this summer to fully express them. It’ll take a weight off your shoulders.

Libra (sept. 23-oct. 22) : This summer is about keeping a positive attitude. Life is all about what you make of it.

Scorpio (oct. 23- nov. 21) : You’ve got to work differently if you want to see changes, Scorpios! Whatever your personal goal may be, start focusing on them this summer.

Sagittarius (nov. 22-dec. 21) : Practice gratitude this summer, Sagittarians. Life might not go exactly as you plan, but learning to accept and appreciate what you have now is the key to happiness.

Capricorn (dec. 22- jan. 19) : Set aside some time for your own goals too Capricorns! These next few months, focus on your favorite hobbies that you missed during the school season.

Aquarius (jan. 20-feb. 18) : This summer, instead of wasting your energy on comparison, focus on self growth. You are the one that makes it all happen. Have faith in yourself!

Pisces (feb. 19-mar. 19) : Let the past go and focus on your new adventures. This summer is yours for the taking, Pisces!

7 Tips and Tricks for a Stress-free Exam Season

  • Get a good night’s sleep

  • Meditate or do yoga

  • Take a study break

  • Eat some good food

  • Drink water and avoid energy drinks

  • Unplug, even if it’s for 10-15 minutes

  • Listen to your favourite music



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