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by Miranda Lalla

Sandwiched among the plethora of clubs overcrowded in the 2H common-space stands out a peculiar make-shift cubicle.


o a couch

o a DIY wheel-of-fortunesque apparatus

o Christmas lights

o one mascot (edit: for legal purposes I can say no more)

o a portrait of Queen Elizabeth (edit #2, the piece of idolatry in question was destroyed sometime last week. Is this a hate crime against the commonwealth? The Plant’s December issue is out on the 5th—developments will ensue)

Who inhabits this oddity of an approximate 49 square feet?

None other than the least pretentious gang of hipsters plucked fresh from the East of rue St-Laurent. Don’t be intimidated by their bilingualism, my fellow Anglos. We are the “Bonjour Hi” generation, after all—and improv club is back and better than ever. Dawson’s quirkiest cult has re-emerged on the social scene: they’re fresh, they’re French, and most importantly, they’re your friends.

What exactly is improv?

Do you ever feel torn between your love for the performing arts and hockey?

No? Well some people do. And for those people, improv allows them to do both!

I’m telling you—don’t be so quick to judge. Before you rule out this oddity of a sport (yes, sport; take THAT, meninists protesting the place of cheerleading in the Olympics), I dare you to try experiencing the heart palpitating excitement of a live match. I’m not talking the stress of watching someone comically squirm on a timer equipped with nothing but their pride and a designated theme—I’m talking 30 second bouts of adrenaline-pumping early 2000s pop music interludes and their capacity to reduce every audience member into a certified “Messy Nesta Saturday Nighters©” by the fourth scene.

By Anto Juarez and Auréa Cariou

By Anto Juarez and Auréa Cariou

The team itself is all about the love.

Execs: First Base

French team: the French (a clever kissing “anglicisme”)

English team: the Smack (we’ve all been in the 8th grade, guys)

What is so remarkable about the French is the fact that Dawson is the only English CEGEP with a French improv team, meaning that half of its members are able to compete in the Quebec CEGEP-wide improv league!

[Editor’s Note: After much research, it has been determined that this league, coined Pamplemousse, is just as quirky and relatable as the club itself, with each participating school belonging to a different citrus-named skill level.]

Their next competition is in Conrod’s, between the French and the Smack, at 7:30 pm on Thursday, November 15th .

Meet the Team(s):

By Auréa Cariou

By Auréa Cariou

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