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Science? Where?

By Camille Delagrave-Ajduk

September 19, 2018 | Sciences

There are various ways you can get involved within the science community at Dawson, even if you aren’t a science student. In fact, many initiatives take place throughout the school year to cater to interests ranging from mathematics to ecology, and they’re often interdisciplinary. Most of them post updates on Omnivox, Dawson’s official website, and on bulletin boards, so be vigilant and don’t feel shy to enquire about anything! Here are some examples of what’s going on, that is science related, at Dawson:

  • DrJes: This is a scientific journal dedicated to publishing the works of students within the realm scientific research. It is currently accepting article submissions.

  • The Annual Dawson College Math Competition: This competition will be held on October 10th and there are training sessions twice a week leading up to it.

  • The Green Earth Club: This is a club dedicated to discussing and shaping society for it to be in greater harmony with the environment. It also acts as a liaison between students and Sustainable Dawson and hosts fundraisers.

  • S.P.A.C.E (Sciences Participating with Arts and Culture in Education): This is an interdisciplinary initiative that reaches out to students, staff, faculty, alumni and the broader community to collaborate and discuss upon a chosen theme. This year (2018-2019), it is all about perspectives and what they imply. Research papers, creative projects and other works are welcome. S.P.A.C.E also hosts events and exhibits.

  • Peer Tutoring: This is a service offered by the Academic Skills Centre. If you need help with up to two classes, you can request a peer tutor and have up to 10 hours of free tutoring per class. However, if you want to be a tutor, you can enquire at the Academic Skills Centre within the 6D wing (inside the library). Tutors are paid by the school.

Make sure to always consult your teachers! They may have projects going on or know of events and opportunities that could be of interest.

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