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April Curiosities

By Adela Pirillo


Since it's finally starting to feel like spring, I hope that you all are enjoying some time to relax outside. School wise, this is the final stretch. As always, wishing you guys all the best!

Birthday: If you were born April 22nd, happy happy happy birthday! Also, if you were born October 22nd, happy happy happy half birthday!

Aries (mar. 20-apr.18) : Get ready for a month filled with hard work and success. Your ambitious attitude will be your best friend, Aries.

Taurus (apr.19-may 20) : It is important to keep in mind that you reflect the energy you wish to attract. It all begins with your thoughts, emotions, and actions.

Gemini (may 21-june 20) : Let your curiosity take over this month. Whenever you feel a sudden spark of creativity, use it. You’ll thank yourself later.

Cancer (june 21-july 22) : This month is all about growth, Cancers. You cannot become what you dream of my remaining how you currently are. You got this.

Leo (july 23-aug. 22) : Self love should be your main focus this month, Leos. School, work, and life in general might start to get a lot to handle, but everything will be resolved if you prioritize your own health first.

Virgo (aug. 23-sept. 22) : Allow this month to be totally booked with positivity, joy, and laughter for all you Virgos. As cheesy as it may sound, happiness will be your key to success.

Libra (sept. 23-oct. 22) : Your intuition is more powerful than anyone’s advice. Focus on trusting yourself, Libras.

Scorpio (oct. 23- nov. 21) : People come and go and it might be hard to deal with. Remember this month that the right ones will always stay. It's okay to cut our toxic relationships that no longer serve you.

Sagittarius (nov. 22-dec. 21) : It's time to stop letting last week, month, or year control you. In order to start fresh this month, try setting new goals for yourself and keep that positive attitude.

Capricorn (dec. 22- jan. 19) : In your feels recently, huh Capricorns? Don't be afraid of vulnerability and remember that your own emotions matter the most.

Aquarius (jan. 20-feb. 18) : Make sure to not get caught up in other people’s opinions of you. Boundaries are important. Remember that you are the only person truly in control.

Pisces (feb. 19-mar. 19) : Your accomplishments are worth celebrating. This month, focus on appreciating all the little things.


6 ways to support local businesses since protesting

apparently means destroy small businesses:

  1. Do some shopping

  2. Order pick up or delivery from local restaurants

  3. Share them on social media

  4. Write a positive review

  5. Sign up to their newsletter

  6. Tell your family and friends

Some businesses you should support:

  • Ristorante Quattro

  • Helena restaurant

  • Rooney Shop

  • NRJ Jeans

  • Chaussures Sandrini Shoes

  • Pizzeria Bros

  • Camtec Photo

  • Brit & Chips

  • L’empreinte coopérative


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